
The Path Less Traveled : The high price for doing the right thing.

June 21, 2024

The Path Less Traveled : The high price for doing the right thing.

At some point along the way, I began to see the world differently.  This new perspective was the […]

Experiential Hospitality at Estancia Natura and RED: Embracing Luxury and Nature

May 15, 2024

Experiential Hospitality at Estancia Natura and RED: Embracing Luxury and Nature

In recent years, the concept of experiential hospitality has gained global prominence. Our design team in Colorado has […]

What’s up with the Coffee

April 15, 2024

What’s up with the Coffee

Coffee is an incredibly complex agricultural product.  I have heard people try and compare coffee to wine.  I […]

The gift of Hospitality

March 21, 2024

The gift of Hospitality

Hospitality, once a term I vaguely understood, has become the cornerstone of my career in architecture and development. […]

Project update and what is for sale.

February 10, 2024

Project update and what is for sale.

Estancia Natura A-Frame Club consists of a maximum total of 36 units and will be developed in small […]

Healthy Community

January 20, 2024

Healthy Community

To start off the new year, we had many of our friends, both old and new, visit us […]

Holiday wishes and 2023 in review.

December 20, 2023

Holiday wishes and 2023 in review.

2023 was a year to be remembered for so many reasons.  January, we officially inaugurated the new wet […]

Giving Thanks!

November 15, 2023

Giving Thanks!

As the year 2023 gently folds its pages, we find ourselves in that cherished season of Thanksgiving and reflection. November holds a special place in our hearts,

Manos a La Obra!  Breaking Ground

October 7, 2023

Manos a La Obra!  Breaking Ground

Ever had a dream or a vision?  Something you thought about often, but wasn’t sure it would ever […]

Legendary Hospitality

September 15, 2023

Legendary Hospitality

In 1995, when Krista and I moved to Santo Domingo, we had no idea what our life in […]

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